List of multi-media HTML tags
Tag Name Description
<figure> Figure Encapsulated media such as an image, illustration, diagram, code snippet, etc... which is referenced in the main flow of the doc.
<figcaption> Figure Caption used to describe the media in the <figure> tags. Usually will go inside <figure> tags
<audio> Audio Embeds audio. Uses <source src="" type="audio/mp3"> to link the audio source.

Controls include:
  • type="audio/[mpeg/ogg/etc…]" to specify type.
  • autoplay to auto play the audio upon loading
  • controls to enable controls for the audio
<video> video Makes it clear that a developer is attempting to display a video to the user.

Controls include:
  • autoplay to auto play the audio upon loading
  • controls to enable controls for the audio
  • loop to continuously play on repeat
<image> Image Embeds an image.